Friday, August 17, 2007

Our second trip to Livermore Waterpark

Dave enjoyed waterpark in Livermore we went to last weekend with friends, so we went to again today. David is tall (48") -- so he qualified to ride the big slide, which he was excited to do. Last weekend it was suppose to be the big "meteorite" day. We have waited until 1 AM and the meteorites stood us up! I dunno if somebody else have witnessed it or did TV news lie? Waterpark Photo's.
Afterwards, we went to Miniature Golf Course and had a blast!!! But before that, guess what? We went to a "Starbuck's Drivethrough"! Talk about business blooming!David got a "strawberry and cream" this time, but in Greece he got a taste of the sugary caffein from a newly opened Sturbucks on the corner.
The Golf place we went to had arcade, waterboats, speed car rides, and, of course, the golf! With surprise, I've discovered that I'm a good golfer. On round 14 I had hole-in-one. Dave almost nailed the 16. The number 13 was really unlucky! My husband had to explain to a ticketgirl that "On round 13 the WINDMILL ATE MY BALLS." "It does it sometimes" - she said, handing him one. " ALL 3 OF THEM!" Miniature Golf Photo's.