Thursday, April 10, 2008
Alive and well
I haven't posted in so long because we were in a temporary crisis mode -- Dave's dad and I have separated after 8 yrs of marriage. Recovering, slowly, and surely getting back to hitting all the marks and the proof is, like they say, in the pudding! Dave is finally doing his homework without a disgust! Before, we had to push twenty elephants and one donkey to accomplish this, mundane but not-so-bad-afterall task. We've all done it! We've felt that we did our part. But Dave actually jumped two steps ahead of the game, and has completely disoriented his dumbfounded parents, by announcing in a voice loud and clear (for the fainthearted, please sit down!) - are you ready ? - " I love doing my homework now! Give me nothing but home-fun!" And this is MY CHILD ---------- Halleluyah!!!